Transit Future Action Plan

In 2012, the Chilliwack Area Transit Future Plan was completed. Since many of the projects identified in the 2012 plan are now complete, it is important that the transit priorities be updated to continue to guide decision-making over the next 25 years.

The Transit Future Action Plan will provide a vision for improving the region’s transit network over the next 25 years by:

  • Supporting local community goals and objectives
  • Strengthening the link between transportation and land-use in order to achieve sustainable growth and development
  • Identifying and prioritizing short and long-term transit improvement projects
  • Developing service standards and performance guidelines which will assist in future decision-making processes
  • Identifying a Transit Future Network that includes four layers of transit service tailoring transit to regional and local community needs:
    • Rapid transit
    • Frequent transit
    • Local transit
    • Targeted service

Where are We and Where Are We Going?

Visit our Project Update page for more information.

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Project Updates

BC Transit, the City of Chilliwack and the Fraser Valley Regional District are seeking input from the public to identify transit priorities to help develop a Transit Future Action Plan.