Corporate Reports

This section includes several types of reports used to measure BC Transit’s performance and help provide public accountability and general information to stakeholders and provincial taxpayers. Please view our reports, including annual and financial reports, corporate service plans, carbon neutral action reports and customer tracking surveys.

Annual Reports

These reports include a yearly overview of BC Transit’s accomplishments and future goals.

Financial Reports

Financial reports include disclosures of board remuneration, executive compensation, and management cost allocations.

Corporate Service Plans

BC Transit's annual business and service plan outlines the corporate priorities of BC Transit's budget and performance expectations.

Customer Tracking Surveys

Ongoing research is conducted to measure transit usage and attitudes throughout BC. Here you will find reports that describe this research.

Strategic Plan

The next decade will likely change the transportation landscape and BC Transit stands on the forefront of that transformation.

BC Transit Advantage

BC Transit - BC Transit's shared services model allows us to achieve operational and financial efficiencies though economies of scale, while delivering affordable quality transportation to the people of British Columbia.

Supply Chains Report

This report has been prepared in compliance with the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act, aiming to prevent and mitigate the risks of forced or child labor within supply chains.

Fast Facts about BC Transit

Did you know BC Transit has a fleet of more than 1,000 vehicles across the province? Find out more Fast Facts...